Gotham Knights’ Heroic Assault Mode Features Starro the Conqueror

Gotham Knights' Heroic Assault Mode Features Starro the Conqueror
Gotham Knights' Heroic Assault Mode Features Starro the Conqueror

Gotham Knights’ Heroic Assault Mode Features Starro the Conqueror

Following his appearance in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, Starro the Conqueror is about to show up in DC’s latest video game release. Warner Bros. Games Montréal previously announced that an upcoming Gotham Knights patch would allow four players to team up in a brand new mission set outside of the primary story campaign. Now, with the update just hours away, the studio has revealed that Starro has a role in the game’s Heroic Assault mode. You can check out a new poster for the mission below.

The artwork indicates that this version of Starro is much smaller than the one that fought Task Force X in Gunn’s movie. However, it also shows the villain trapped inside a tank-like prison surrounded by all four of Gotham Knights’ main characters—Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, and Red Hood. WB Montréal isn’t sharing any additional details. But if we had to guess, the team will be forced to battle legions of mind-controlled minions looking to set their master free.

RELATED: Gotham Knights is Getting a Four-Player Co-Op Mode in November

By now, most fans know that Gotham Knights hasn’t been earning the strongest reviews since it arrived on next-gen consoles last month. Critics have taken aim at everything from the repetitive gameplay mechanics to its questionable narrative choices. Others have bemoaned the lack of a four-player co-op feature; which is where Heroic Assault comes in. This new standalone mode lets gamers control each of the game’s playable heroes and fight 30 floors’ worth of enemies, each one presumably stronger than the last.

Gotham Knights is now available to own on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Windows. The game’s Heroic Assault update launches tomorrow, November 29.

Are you excited to face Starro when the new patch drops this week? Let us know in the comment section below!

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