Golden Globes: HFPA Re-Elects Helen Hoehne as President

Helen Hoehne, a German print and broadcast journalist who has served as the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association during its darkest hour, has been re-elected to that position, the organization behind the annual Golden Globe Awards announced Friday.

The HFPA says that Hoehne was re-elected “by an overwhelming margin.”

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“I am humbled and truly grateful to be re-elected,” Hoehne, who joined the HFPA in 2004, said in a statement. “This is a vote of confidence in the changes we have made and the course we have charted in moving the HFPA forward with its reforms towards greater diversity, integrity, and transparency. I am optimistic about our future and the future of the Golden Globes, as well as the impact we hope to have in using this platform to continue our philanthropic efforts.”

The HFPA, of course, has been under heavy fire for the past 18 months. Just ahead of the 2021 ceremony, a series of articles in the Los Angeles Times revealed that the organization at that time included zero Black people among its then 87 members and had engaged in unethical conduct and suspect financial practices. The resulting uproar led numerous Hollywood constituencies, including a large contingent of Hollywood publicists, to boycott the HFPA (Tom Cruise even returned the three Globes that he had been awarded), and prompted NBC to decline to air a Globes ceremony in 2022.

Hoehne, who was the HFPA’s vice president at the time of the LA Times exposé, became president in September 2021, and has since led the organization’s efforts to enact internal reforms, repair relations with the Hollywood community and convince NBC to put the Globes back on its airwaves.

THR recently broke the news that NBC does indeed intend to bring back the Globes in January.

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