Golden Globes 2012: 5 TV highlights

Showtime Steps Up.

It took decades, but Showtime finally gave HBO a run for its money — tying its fellow pay-cabler in total wins. Each took home three statues, with Showtime’s Homeland (starring Globe winner Claire Danes) beating out Game of Thrones for Best Drama. ”This company has been around for 35 years, and this is the first time it has won for best series,” said president David Nevins. ”It’s a milestone.”

Kelsey Grammer Shocks.

The Hollywood Foreign Press lived up to its rep for honoring underdogs by giving the Boss star an unexpected win for Best Actor in a Drama. (Luther‘s Idris Elba and Episodes‘ Matt LeBlanc scored similar upsets.) ”I was surprised,” Grammer admitted afterward. ”I forgot what I thought I would say.”

The Broadcast Nets Go MIA.

Modern Family, which won for Best Comedy, was the only nominee from the Big Four to make a showing. ”Cable-type shows play better to the Hollywood Foreign Press,” shrugged co-creator Steven Levitan. ”But it is heartening to everybody that you can still work within the boundaries of network TV and do something good.”

Downton Abbey Rolls.

The British period drama — which dominated the Emmys last September — continued its sweep with a Globe for Best Miniseries/Movie.

Jessica Lange Triumphs.

The film star was rewarded for her memorable run on FX’s American Horror Story. And to think she almost didn’t make it to the awards show! ”She had a stomach bug,” dished AHS creator Ryan Murphy. ”I was proud of her rallying.”