“Golden Bachelor”: Gerry Fears He's 'Running Out of Time' After Fantasy Suite Dates Leave Him Torn

“Golden Bachelor”: Gerry Fears He's 'Running Out of Time' After Fantasy Suite Dates Leave Him Torn

"This is an impossible task at this moment. Someone is going to come out of this situation hurt beyond what I can imagine," Gerry Turner admitted on Thursday’s 'Golden Bachelor'

<p>Disney/John Fleenor</p> Jesse Palmer and Gerry Turner on

Disney/John Fleenor

Jesse Palmer and Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Warning: This post contains spoilers from Thursday's episode of  The Golden Bachelor.

Gerry Turner got one step closer to deciding between his two finalists on this week’s The Golden Bachelor.

As he started Fantasy Suites week in Costa Rica, the 72-year-old retired restaurateur shared he was looking forward to “closed door time” with Theresa and Leslie.

“I’m in love with both Leslie and Theresa,” he added. “ It’s going to be an incredibly difficult decision to make.I hope that the clarity will come.”

Related: Golden Bachelor: After Gerry Eliminates a Front-Runner, He Says His Love for Her Was 'Genuine'

Gerry also addressed the elephant in the room with host Jesse Palmer, saying, “Many people will be looking at that as, do people my age still knock boots and have a good time behind closed doors? I mean your parents, are you still feeling like mom and dad come down the stairs with a little extra spring in their step?”

Jesse responded, “TMI, TMI, Gerry. Let’s just keep this on you.”

<p>Disney/John Fleenor</p>

Disney/John Fleenor

He also opened up about his own personal experience and his hopes going into Fantasy Suites.

“The opportunity to be physically intimate with someone, I don’t know how to ascribe an importance to it. Let’s face it, it’s been a while,” he explained. “Certainly in that area, I would want to make sure her comfort level was as complete as could possibly be and if that leads to something more physical than that activity becomes organic and natural in its nature. At this age, it’s more gentle, it’s slow. It’s something you can savor because it’s something that is the most special you can have.”

<p>Disney/John Fleenor</p> Jesse Palmer and Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Disney/John Fleenor

Jesse Palmer and Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Leslie’s Fantasy Suite

Leslie admitted she was feeling “excited” but “a little nervous” ahead of her Fantasy Suite date with Gerry.

Gerry invited the 64-year-old fitness instructor to repel 170 feet down a cliff to a waterfall. While she admitted she was scared of heights, she told Gerry, “I’ve given birth three times. I should be able to do this.”

Gerry promised to stay with her on the adventure and she revealed that was a first for her, saying, “Having someone by my side is new in my life.”

“Gerry makes me feel safe. Whether it’s jumping off a cliff or sitting around having coffee on a Sunday morning,” she shared. “I’ve never felt somebody be there like that for me. I don’t know what it is, he just kinda feels like home.”

<p>John Fleenor/Disney</p> Leslie and Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

John Fleenor/Disney

Leslie and Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Related: Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner Considers Himself a Breakup 'Novice' Despite the Fact He 'Did It 21 Times'

The couple celebrated making it down the cliff by sharing a kiss below the waterfall and Gerry told Leslie he was “so proud” of her for conquering her fears.

At dinner, Gerry admitted he worried that Leslie was wearing “rose colored glasses” about their relationship and wasn’t asking him the “hard questions.”  She responded, “Okay, I have a question for you, when’s the last time you had sex?”

Gerry appeared shocked about the question and candidly replied, “Well, I need to clarify. Are you talking about myself or with someone?”

“With someone!” she said. He then admitted it had been “a long time” while she shared it had been a year since the last time she had sex.

They then moved on to practical questions about where they would live when the show was over. Leslie reassured the Indiana native that they would “figure it out” without her saying goodbye to Minneapolis forever. She added, “Instead of bicoastal, we can be bi-midwestern.”

The conversation turned to their future together with Gerry noting, “If we decide we are right for each other, if we decide we’re going to do this, from my perspective — and I want it to be from your perspective — from that moment forward, we are fully committed to each other and it is indeed ‘til death do us part.”

“Till death do us part is something that is foreign to me ‘cause I never had that,” she responded. “I’ve been searching for it my whole life and even through two marriages, just those words were just foreign to me, uncharted waters for me… I don’t want to be alone anymore. You’re everything I want.”

<p>Disney/John Fleenor</p> Leslie on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Disney/John Fleenor

Leslie on 'The Golden Bachelor'

She then broke down in tears while discussing Gerry’s own experience with ‘til death do us part, with his wife of 43 years, Toni. He reassured her, saying “I got you” and she shared she was ready for a forever commitment with him.

Related: Gerry Turner Is Wary of a 'Golden Bachelor in Paradise' but Says His Suitors 'Would Have the Time of Their Lives'

Leslie accepted the invite to the Fantasy Suite and Gerry admitted that he had been looking forward to their night together for “quite a long time.”

Gerry then shared the piece of advice that first Bachelorette Trista Sutter gave to him. He recalled Trista saying, “You have to find the woman you can’t live without, not the one you can live with. So, I think you’re the one. I think you’re that one.”

“I’m all in on this, I’m going to be 100% in, 100% committed and that commitment is going to be for the rest of my life,” he added in a confessional.

“I do feel like Gerry’s my person and I do feel like I’m his, I have butterflies in my stomach," Leslie said. "I have butterflies when I see him. I’m sad when he leaves. We compliment each other and I’m definitely looking forward to my happily ever after.”

As things heated up in the Fantasy Suite and cameras cut away to an exterior shot, Gerry said it was “hot” and noticed the thermostat was set to 80. He asked what temperature Leslie preferred and she answered “69” causing them both to giggle.

Gerry proved he wasn’t one to kiss and tell the next morning when the told the cameras, “People want to know what happens in these fantasy suites, there’s a little bit of curiosity that they want satisfied and quite honestly, I feel like it’s none of their f---ing business.”

Theresa’s Fantasy Suite

Theresa and Gerry started the date by horseback riding together but Gerry was still contemplating his relationships with both women.

“Yesterday was an incredible day with an incredible woman,” he said. “I have incredible woman number two today so does this day become even better than yesterday or does it fall flat? I just don’t know where it’s going.”

He told Theresa, 70, that he had “no roadmap” for his experience dating multiple people on the show. Despite Theresa telling him how much she loved him, he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about Leslie.

“Throughout this journey, I’ve worked hard at staying open-minded and staying in the moment with whomever I’m with,” he admitted in a confessional. “Theresa’s so kind, so nice. She’s a gentle person. She’s a good soul. I don’t want to do or say anything that hurts her but I’m looking at Theresa going, ‘My god! What is wrong with you, Turner?’ She’s the ideal woman for you but at the same time, I’m thinking, 'What’s Leslie doing right now?'"

<p>ABC/Craig Sjodin</p> Theresa and Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

ABC/Craig Sjodin

Theresa and Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Related: Gerry Turner 'Wholeheartedly' Supports a Golden Bachelorette as 1 Woman Tosses Her Hat in the Ring (Exclusive)

Gerry admitted he did “a bad job” of compartmentalizing the relationships during his time with Theresa.

“What I’m concerned about at this point is have I maxed out the relationship? Has it gone as far as it will go?” he said of his relationship with Theresa. “We talked a lot about the fact we’ve lived very similar lives where we were both robbed of our future with our lifetime partner but it just feels like we’re not moving forward. We’re not exploring new ground.”

“However, I have to commit to being open-minded and not prejudging or predermining any decision,” he added. “And I’m going to recommit doing that with Theresa for dinner and then the rest of the night because I don’t want to miss something.”

During their dinner, Theresa, 70, opened up about her career and her decision to go on the show. She also candidly shared she hadn’t been with anyone since her husband. She added, “So tonight, if we decide to be together, it’s extremely important. It’s a decision I don’t take lightly at all.”

Gerry then invited Theresa to the Fantasy Suite after learning more about her during their meal together. He explained, “Theresa gave me a little bit more of a glimpse into her life and it was indeed a launching pad going forward into the time I know we’ll have where we’re alone.”

<p>Disney/John Fleenor</p> Theresa on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Disney/John Fleenor

Theresa on 'The Golden Bachelor'

He added: “I’m so glad I keep telling myself to stay open-minded. Had I closed off a little bit, I might have missed the opportunity of a lifetime with someone.”

The financial services expert was ready to take the next step in her relationship with Gerry, saying, “I haven’t slept with another man since my husband and I’m ready. I want to spend the night with Gerry and Gerry seems just as excited as I am.”

Their night together appeared to be a game changer for Gerry.

“Waking up to Theresa this morning, I feel like it’s the first day of the rest of my life because last night with Theresa, we started talking about things and sharing observations and really hopes and dreams,” he said. “And I realized we really understood each other on a very fundamental level.”

“All of the questions and the trepidation I had about Theresa was gone in the first hour, or hour and half of conversation, it was incredible,” he added.

When Theresa told Gerry once again she was in love with him, he responded, “And you know how I feel about you. The nice part is you know.”

He added in a confessional, “Last night, I told her that I loved her. And I told her when I say this to you, I want to you know that I mean it and I’m saying it from the bottom of my heart."

Gerry’s Decision

After both overnights, Gerry admitted he was “dying inside,” adding, “With each of them I can see a life together. And, in each case, I have told them, 'I love you.'"

With Leslie, Gerry said they would have "a very exciting life.” He explained, "She's adventurous and she looks out for me and I look out for her."

<p>Disney/John Fleenor</p> Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Disney/John Fleenor

Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'

Gerry shared that he has “this bond” with Theresa, adding, "We know what the other person is feeling. We know what they've been through."

"This is an impossible task at this moment," he shared. "Someone is going to come out of this situation hurt beyond what I can imagine and I’m running out of time.”

“At this point, I know I can’t put it off any longer,” he added. “As hard as it is, I think I’ve made my decision.”

However, fans will have to wait until the season finale on Nov. 30 to find out who he selects as his forever love.

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The Golden Bachelor airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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Read the original article on People.