God of War: Ragnarok dev releases the follow-up to its fan-favorite blooper reel with some truly nightmare-inducing bugs

 God of War Ragnarok.
God of War Ragnarok.

Blooper reels are a staple within film and television, but it's uncommon for game developers to share them outside the walls of their studios. However, God of War studio Sony Santa Monica hasn't been shy about revealing various pre-release quirks in their games, and they've released a follow-up to their fan-favorite Midgard Mishaps video from 2018 to celebrate the one-year anniversary of God of War: Ragnarok.

In Midgard Mishaps 2, we see a showcase of the bizarre and somewhat creepy-looking bugs that popped up during the production of the massive sequel. We also see a quick look at some never-before-seen footage of the making of some standout moments and how the devs took the stumbles in good fun.

The video is a neat showcase of how a game can often go wrong during the lengthy production process. But it also shows how the devs still can poke fun at how odd things can get, even sneaking some occasional dance moves for Kratos and Atreus in the video. Though be warned, some glitches are a bit unsightly and somewhat unsettling if you're particularly squeamish.

"The team at Santa Monica Studio poured their hearts and souls into God of War Ragnarök, and along the way, encountered some unforgettable mishaps," reads the description. "For the one-year anniversary, we wanted to share a few of the unexpected moments from development that remind us how complex, challenging, and unintentionally hilarious making a game can be. A special thank you to the fantastic QA teams at Santa Monica Studio, PlayStation, and our partners around the world whose invaluable work helped keep these mishaps out of the experience we were able to share with fans one year ago!"

While players on social media or YouTube often share game glitches and bugs, we rarely see game developers talk about them, much less compiling their own videos about them. Whether it's about maintaining a certain image for the game or just not wanting to reveal the underbelly of their hard work, it's refreshing to see a prominent developer take the other route.

For more on God of War Ragnarok and other games like it, check out our roundup of the best action games you can play right now.