Ghostbusters' Harold Ramis Fathered a Secret Daughter with Director of Clueless, Book Claims

Harold Ramis secretly fathered a daughter with Clueless and Fast Times at Ridgemont High director Amy Heckerling, a new book written by the couple’s other child claims.

In Ghostbuster’s Daughter: Life With My Dad Harold Ramis, Violet Ramis Stiel recounts how she felt when she found out her famous dad had a secret child with another woman in 1985. At the time he was still married to her mom, Anne Plotkin.

Then only eight-years-old, Violet remembers feeling confused when her dad took her to the hospital after Amy gave birth without telling her it was to meet her baby sister, Mollie Heckerling.

Years later, Mollie’s dad, Police Academy writer Neal Israel, who was married to Amy when she was born, told her the truth about Ramis — and she connected with her biological father when she became an adult.

“Even though he was someone I didn’t know at all growing up, we were so alike in so many basic ways — our tastes, our mannerisms, our outlook on things, so it really was kind of nice,” Mollie, now 32, told The Chicago Tribune.

Harold Ramis, Mollie and Amy Heckerling
Harold Ramis, Mollie and Amy Heckerling

Mollie said the two were never very close, and she regrets not spending more time with him before his death in 2014. The Groundhog Day actor died at 69 from a rare autoimmune disease that affected his blood vessels.

“We had a really great rapport. I loved him very dearly and I know he loved me, but the one thing I regret is not being more present in his life or fighting to be more present, especially when he was sick,” Mollie said.

She continued, “Because you want to be with the person as much as you can and garner as much as you can from them and then at the same time you feel as though you’re kind of a reminder to them of something that they did that they’re not proud of, so it was sort of like bittersweet.”