George Lucas talks 'Phantom Menace' in 3-D and how James Cameron and Robert Zemeckis helped to make it happen -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO

George Lucas talks 'Phantom Menace' in 3-D and how James Cameron and Robert Zemeckis helped to make it happen -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO

If you’re excited to see The Phantom Menace in 3-D when it opens in theaters tomorrow, then perhaps you have James Cameron and Robert Zemeckis to thank. According to George Lucas in the exclusive video below, it was the three men’s joint desire to see updated theater projectors that ultimately led Lucas to adding a third dimension to his space saga. “I was trying to get digital projectors in the theaters,” explains Lucas. “Bob Zemeckis and Jim Cameron came and said, ‘Look, we want to get 3-D into the theaters and now that you got digital theaters you can actually do that. Would you join us in showing the theater owners that you can do 3-D?’” Lucas agreed only so that the theater owners would face increased pressure to upgrade to digital projectors. But then: “When I saw the test that we did — which was about five minutes long — of Star Wars in 3-D, I realized how great it was.”

Audiences will get to see for themselves starting tomorrow. Click on the video below to hear more of George’s thoughts on 3-D (“I don’t like the gimmick part of it. I don’t like things coming out into the audience.”), and why he’s excited about a whole new generation getting to see Star Wars on the big screen.

Fellow nerds can follow me on Twitter: @DaltonRoss

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