George Clooney Says He Gets Up with Amal Every Three Hours When She Nurses the Twins: 'I Feel Guilty'

Raising twins isn’t easy, but George Clooney and his wife Amal are in it together.

The actor-director, who’s promoting his new film Suburbicon at the Toronto International Film Festival, told Entertainment Tonight he keeps Amal company during those early hour feedings.

“I do every three hours [and] if I don’t get up, I feel guilty, you know?” Clooney, 56, said with a laugh. “My wife is up nursing every three hours so it’s a lot of work, but it’s fun!”

The Oscar winner also revealed that Amal, 39, and their twins, Alexander and Ella, are back in Los Angeles while he works the festival — but that doesn’t mean they’re not in constant contact.

“They’re in L.A. and I Facetimed with them a few minutes ago,” he said.

Now a husband and father, Clooney told ET he’s ready to start looking for different types of acting roles. “I think you have to look at your career over a long period of time and figure out what’s best to do, and actually, I’m looking for different kinds of roles now,” he admitted.

“You got to keep putting a softer lens on the camera, it’s just no good anymore,” he joked.

The happy dad also spoke about his family with Extra, joking that after years of being a committed bachelor, he’s now “the father of two … It’s happened. Can’t take it back now.”

Clooney went on to address his participation in Tuesday’s Hand in Hand: A Benefit for Hurricane Relief telethon, saying, “We’re all in this because we are the United States of America … There’s so much work that has to go on for a long period of time, and we all have to stay involved.”

He added, “I hope we raise a lot of money. The trick is not raising money, the trick is sustaining the attention.”

Clooney also said that he does not believe the extreme weather will change President Trump’s mind on climate change. “Oh, I don’t think so. I don’t think he has a real opinion on it. I think he’s playing whatever the base wants,” he said.

Suburbicon is in theaters Oct. 27.