General Hospital spoilers: Finn’s relapse spells the end for him and Elizabeth?

 Michael Easton and Rebecca Herbst as Finn and Elizabeth in an office in General Hospital.
Michael Easton and Rebecca Herbst as Finn and Elizabeth in an office in General Hospital.

The moment finally came on General Hospital when Gregory (Gregory Harrison) passed away. Holding on to celebrate Brook Lynn's (Amanda Setton) and Chase’s (Josh Swickard) nuptials, after the reception ended, Gregory arrived back home to pass away in his sleep in the General Hospital episode airing on May 20.

When Finn (Michael Easton) discovers his dad’s body in the episode that aired on May 21, he becomes emotionally distraught, and one of the first things he does is take a sip from the bottle of liquor that was gifted by Carmine (George Russo) and Gloria (Ellen Travolta). Then, after calling Chase to inform him of their dad’s passing, Finn takes another gulp.

Finn’s hidden drinks are problematic for one glaring reason: he’s a former addict who was addicted to prescription drugs, and any encounters with a substance can lead to a slippery slope. That’s precisely while he called Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn), his sober buddy, after he accidentally drank some champagne at his brother’s wedding.

With all that being said, it looks like Finn may continue to turn to alcohol as grief sets in. That’s unfortunate because once alcohol no longer numbs his pain he could turn back to pills, which can snowball into a number of issues. First and foremost, his downward spiral is likely to impact his relationship with Violet (Jophielle Love). The young girl may pick up on the fact that her father is acting abnormally and become gravely concerned.

Michael Easton as Finn talking to someone in General Hospital
Michael Easton as Finn talking to someone in General Hospital

Then there’s his relationship with Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst). As a medical professional, she too will likely be able to pick up on any odd behavior Finn may exhibit because of alcohol or prescription pills. While she may just suspect his sobriety struggles initially, we can imagine her confirming her suspicions and feeling absolutely gutted.

Now she would probably first attempt to help Finn. She’d likely chalk his relapse up to grief and attempt to be a rock for him as he recovers. However, in soapy fashion, things would probably get worse before they get better the doctor. That means he could hit rock bottom which equates to something incredibly dramatic happening. So dramatic, that it's not hard to picture Elizabeth allowing her concern and love for Violet to trump that for Finn, and she pushes Finn to get help, threatening to take custody of his daughter if he doesn’t.

While we haven’t quite gotten to this explosive stage yet, we can’t help but think it’s a very real possibility.

New episodes of General Hospital air on weekdays on ABC. If you miss an episode, you can catch up on Hulu.