What time is the meteor shower tonight? How to see the Geminids in Arizona

The peak of the Geminid meteor shower is fast approaching and sky watchers are preparing to watch the annual spectacle.

The Geminids are active from mid-November to late December and will peak in mid-December. What makes this year's occurrence special is the absence of the moon's illumination, which should permit greater visibility of the meteors against the night sky.

With no special equipment required, individuals can lie down and look up during the late-night and pre-dawn hours for the best chances of witnessing shooting stars.

Here's how to see the 2023 Geminid meteor shower.

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What is the Geminids meteor shower?

We talked to Patrick Young, professor at the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University, who said the Geminids are unusual because they are one of the few meteor showers caused by an asteroid rather than a comet.

“The shower occurs when Earth passes through the dust left behind by the asteroid 3200 Phaeton. Dust that enters the atmosphere is heated, producing a bright streak across the sky often referred to as a shooting star,” said Young.

Where do I look to see the Geminid meteor shower?

The Geminids are visible to the naked eye. To observe meteor showers, including the Geminids, it's generally best to look toward the radiant point. The radiant is the point in the sky from which the meteors appear to originate.

“It's best to see as much of the sky as possible, so simply lying down and looking up is a great plan," Young said. "If you trace their paths across the sky, Geminid meteors will appear to originate from a radiant in the constellation Gemini, but they will appear all over the sky."

Viewers can look to the east for the constellation Gemini.

What is the best time to see the Geminid meteor shower?

Young said peak visibility should occur at around 2 a.m. on the morning of Dec. 14, when Gemini is overhead.

“The Geminids are one of the most reliable meteor showers," Young said. "They can be counted upon to produce a pretty high hourly rate of bright meteors most years. This year, they also occur when there is no moon in the sky. Without the moon's light brightening the sky, more meteors will be visible.”

Geminid meteor shower dates: When do the Geminids peak?

The Geminids will be active through Dec. 24, with peak brightness on Dec. 13-14, according to the American Meteor Society.

“Up to 120 meteors per hour may be visible during the shower's peak. Geminids tend to be fairly bright, white in color and fast-moving,” said Young.

What time is the Geminid meteor shower?

The timing of the Geminid meteors on Dec. 14 can vary depending on your location. Meteor showers are typically best observed during the late-night hours and in the predawn sky.

In Arizona, the peak time to see the Geminids is starting at 2 a.m.

How can I watch the Geminid meteor shower in Arizona?

Arizona has many locations known for dark skies, such as Flagstaff, Kitt Peak National Observatory and Saguaro National Park.

“You should find a place with a wide open, dark sky. Meteors will appear all over the sky and can be faint, so you will see more if the sky is unobstructed and there are no artificial lights,” said Young.

Young said no special equipment is necessary to see the Geminids.

“Since a meteor can streak across the sky in any direction, trying to look through an instrument would only be an impediment,” he said.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: What time is Geminids meteor shower tonight? Best time to see it