Gary Oldman Not Sure 'Spotlight' Had the Pedigree Worthy of Best Picture

Gary Oldman stopped by Yahoo Movies while promoting his new film, Criminal. The conversation veered over to his role in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. The 2011 film was nominated for three Oscars, including Oldman’s for best actor, his only nomination ever.

Oldman is immensely proud of Tinker. He believes it deserved more awards than it garnered. And he seemed dubious that this year’s recipient of the Oscar for Best Picture, Spotlight, deserved it.

“There’s a sort of pedigree that [Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy] had, I’d like to think, worthy of such an honor. Where so many you see, you kind of go ‘really, they won an Oscar for that?’” Oldman said. “If you think of some of the movies that have been nominated over the years for Best Picture — Gone With the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia — and then you look at Spotlight, and you kind of go, ‘Best Picture?’ I enjoyed it but, you know, sometimes it gets a little … I just scratch my head in wonder.”

Oldman, who shined as Commissioner Gordon in the Dark Knight trilogy, also compared his role in Tinker to being in comic book movies.

“Listen, in a world where they are making Batman and Deadpool — and there seems to be one every week — it was nice to be involved in a real grown-up adult movie,” Oldman said of Tinker.

Watch: Gary Oldman suggests some things J.K. Simmons might want to consider for the role of Commissioner Gordon:

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