‘Game of Thrones’ Star Kit Harington Enters Treatment for ‘Personal Issues’

“Game of Thrones” star Kit Harington has entered a “wellness retreat” to be treated for “personal issues,” his publicist told TheWrap.

“Kit has decided to utilize this break in his schedule as an opportunity to spend some time at a wellness retreat to work on some personal issues,” his publicist said in a statement. No further information was provided.

Page Six reported Tuesday that Harington is seeking treatment for alcohol use and stress, and that he entered a facility in Connecticut at some point shortly before the show’s May 19 finale aired. The outlet cites unnamed individuals who say the show’s ending “really hit him hard.”

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The statement from Harington’s team, however, gave no indication that his treatment was in any way related to the show ending.

The HBO documentary “Game of Thrones: The Last Watch” documents some of Harington’s experiences making the show’s final season. One particularly emotional moment occurs during a table read, when cameras captured Harington visibly tearing up as he learned that his character, Jon Snow, would ultimately murder Queen Daenerys in the finale episode.

Harington later told Jimmy Fallon: “I was very shocked and surprised at certain events and then I blubbed my eyes out. I cried.”

Read original story ‘Game of Thrones’ Star Kit Harington Enters Treatment for ‘Personal Issues’ At TheWrap