‘Game Of Thrones’ Meets ‘Saturday Night Live’ In Kit Harington Monologue

Kit Harington was interrupted by a few of his Game of Thrones friends and castmates during his Saturday Night Live monologue.

Harington, who plays Jon Snow on the HBO fantasy drama series, was grilled by fellow GoT cast, trying to squeeze out of Harrington how the series ends.

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Without his beard and long locks characteristic of his Jon Snow character, Harington told the audience, “I’ve shaved my beard, so this is a more prepubescent Jon Snow.”

He did say how grateful he was for being to able to play the character which rescued him from what was to be legacy of appearing in films such Silent Hill: Revelation 3-D and Pompeii, “which, somehow, proved more of a disaster than the event it was based on.” But he made clear, he’s ready to move on and, most of all doesn’t really want to talk about the show.

That proved to be a difficult task, as the pop-up questions soon began from some very familiar faces.

Emilia Clarke, who portrays Daenerys Targaryen, stood up, also without Daenerys’ long, silver locks, asking “Can you just give us a general sense of how it ends?” she asked. When Harington noted that she’s in the show and, as a result, should know how it ends, she added, “I forgot. I mean it’s been so damn long since the last season. Plus, a lot of my scenes are talking to a dragon, which is just a tennis ball on a green pole. So I have no idea what’s actually happening.”

“Well, I’m sorry but you’ll just have to wait and see in a couple of weeks,” Harington replied.

Clarke had one more very important question, though. “Hey, do you remember in Season 6 when we had sex? Did you know they filmed that?”

John Bradley, who plays Jon Snow’s best friend Samwell Tarly, was questioning what happens to him on the show. “They only let me see two pages of the script,” he explained.

But he was even more curious if he and Harington will still be friends now that the show is ending. Harington assured him they would — but wouldn’t commit to a date to get together.

“You’ve changed,” a clearly disappointed Bradley replied.

Pete Davidson, dressed as a strange-looking Night King, also tried to pry out details from Harrington. “I just need to know. Do people hate me? Because it really feels like they hate me.”

“Well, I mean, yeah,” Harington replied. “You’re the Night King. Everyone you touch turns into an ice zombie.”

“Oh, okay. My bad. But hey, do you think after this, we’ll still be friends?” Davidson pondered.

“We were never friends,” Harington responded.

“Samwell Tarly was right! You have changed,” Davidson’s Night King said, then walked away.

The highlight was a pop-up by Harington’s real-life wife and former co-star Rose Leslie who played Ygritte in the show. While no longer in the show, the two fell in love and got married.

Leslie said she needed to ask him something, but Harington quickly cut her off, saying he can’t tell even her how Game of Thrones ends.

“Oh no, I don’t care about that. I’m not a nerd,” she replied. “My question is: What are we going to do for money now? I mean, we didn’t save anything, and you kept telling me, ‘I’m the king of the North. We can order Uber Eats every night.”

“Wait,” she added. “One more question: How quickly can you grow back that beard?”

You can watch the entire monologue above.

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