Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke wants to #FreeTheP

Emilia Clarke explains why she wants 'Game of Thrones' to #FreeTheP

Daenerys Targaryen has spent the last few seasons of Game of Thrones freeing slaves. Emilia Clarke, meanwhile, has been advocating a different kind of freedom in real life. Game of Thrones is one of the most successful shows on the planet, meaning that a significant percentage of humans worldwide have seen Clarke naked, but she recently became vocal about wanting to share the wealth. 

“I feel like there’s a little bit of inequality that happens with women, this woman in particular, and what happens with the other guys,” Clarke told James Corden on Monday. “I think it should be even.”

Corden’s response: Sure, but penises are kind of gross, right? Clarke noted that the female equivalent isn’t pretty either, prompting Abbi Jacobson (who just happened to also be sitting on the Corden couch with Broad City co-star Ilana Glazer) to tell both Corden and Clarke to come to terms with their body image. Corden correctly noted that several Game of Thrones characters have had their penises removed anyway, but this didn’t stop Clarke. Corden soon caved and agreed to start a hashtag for the cause: #FreeTheP.

Watch the clip below.