Gaga: I've Had Bulemia and Anorexia Since 15

Lady Gaga is responding to the critics of her 25-pound weight gain with a Body Revolution campaign.

The Born This Way singer, 26, went on her fan site and posted several photos of herself in nothing but her matching yellow bra and panties. One photo caption read: "Bulimia and Anorexia since I was 15."

The other photo captions read: "But today I join the Body Revolution. ... To Inspire Bravery. ... and breed some m$therf*cking compassion."

RELATED: Gaga's Weight Gain, Before & After

Gaga is also commissioning her Little Monsters to join her revolution. "My mother and I created the BORN THIS WAY FOUNDATION for one reason: 'to inspire bravery,'" the site reads. "This profile is an extension of that dream. Be brave and celebrate with us your "perceived flaws," as society tells us. May we make our flaws famous, and thus redefine the heinous."

This campaign comes just months after Gaga was criticized for tweeting in April: "Just killed back to back spin classes. Eating a salad dreaming of a cheeseburger #PopSingersDontEat #IWasBornThisWay." Many thought the singer was promoting an unhealthy lifestyle.

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However, this month the outlandish pop star has been in the headlines for flaunting her new curves. "I'm trying to find a new balance," said Gaga of her weight during an interview with radio host Elvis Duran. "I really don't feel bad about it, not even for a second. I have to be on such a strict diet constantly."

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