Take a 'Furious 7' Tour of Abu Dhabi in a New Featurette

After previous Fast and Furious movies that took Dom and crew to South America, the Caribbean, and Europe, Furious 7 has been billed as the franchise’s return home to Los Angeles. But even if much of the action does take place on the streets of SoCal, Vin Diesel and his buddies still have one big road trip left: Abu Dhabi.

In the featurette above, director James Wan and the Furious 7 crew discuss their week-long shoot during April last year in the United Arab Emirates city. Furious 7 captured some gloriously insane stunts amid the gleaming UAE skyscrapers — including one where Diesel drives a car from one massive glass building to another, with nothing but one hundred stories of air beneath him.

Michelle Rodriguez, who stars as Letty Ortiz in the films, kicks off the featurette by recalling a trip she made to Abu Dhabi several years ago. “All of the questions I got were, ‘When are they bringing a Fast and Furious to Abu Dhabi?’” she remembered of her interactions with the city’s wealthy, car crazy population.

In truth, the video acts more like an advertisement for Abu Dhabi and its film commission than anything else. But seeing another glimpse of Vin Diesel take an expensive red sports car airborne is definitely worth a watch. Furious 7 hits theaters on April 3.