FTC warns influencers about relying on Instagram's ad marker

Its employees think the built-in notification doesn't go far enough.

Up and coming social media stars posting sponsored content may want to take a careful look at today's #Influencers101 Twitter chat from the FTC. The agency tried to clarify a number of issues cropping up around promotional material posted to social media, which The Fashion Law has compiled into a more easily-readable Q&A format. One answer that jumps out, however, is a note mentioning that Instagram and YouTube's built-in notification tools may be too subtle for the FTC's liking.

Earlier this year a number of influencers and marketers received letters nudging them to consistently include clear markings, and it looks like that is still the rule. If you're trying to get into the game yourself or just a viewer trying to suss out the shills from the rest, check out the FTC's Endorsement Guides for more information.