French President's Beloved Dog Takes a Pee Break During Important Meeting at the Élysée Palace as Cameras Roll

Someone is about to be in the dog house!

French President Emmanuel Macron’s rescue pooch, Nemo, is often a fixture in presidential events and meetings, but on Sunday the two-year-old dog really stole the show.

The Labrador-Griffon cross decided to take a pee break during an important meeting between government members and his master. The hilarious moment was caught on camera by French TV TF1 and quickly went viral on Twitter.

Obviously a dog of fine taste, the President’s pup chose an ornate gilded fireplace in the 18th Century Élysée Palace as the perfect place to cock his leg.

As he wandered away nonchalantly, the group erupted into laughter.

“I wondered what that noise was,” Brune Poirson, junior minister for ecology, said.

Macron, red-faced but laughing, said, “He is doing something quite exceptional.”

Julien Denormandie, junior minister for planning, asked the president, “It happens often?”

Macron couldn’t help but laugh again, responding, “No. You have triggered a totally unusual behavior in my dog. So sorry.”

The President and his wife, Brigitte, adopted Nemo in August and named him after Captain Nemo, the hero of Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, according to the Associated Press.

He was adopted from an animal shelter.