We found the 'smash taco' in North Jersey. Now, is it good?

A week ago, we put out an article explaining the "smash taco"; a new viral food trend taking TikTok by storm.

If you missed that piece (or forgot what it said), here's a descriptive excerpt that should get you up to speed:

"Smash tacos — aka 'Smash Burger Tacos' — are a new hybrid food consisting of smashed burger patties (and various toppings) inside of a griddled tortilla. Colloquially: they're "Big Mac tacos."

We also said that we hadn't yet found them in North Jersey.

The 'smash taco.'
The 'smash taco.'

Discovering the 'smash taco' in North Jersey

Shortly after releasing that little blurb, we received a DM on @northjerseyeats from a local burger shop — and a good one, at that — saying they had the elusive dish on their menu.

Curious who that was? And where to find them?

Read on, burger lovers. The "smash taco" has officially arrived in North Jersey.

Where can you get a smash taco in North Jersey?

The "Smash Taco" is a secret menu item at Steve's Burgers — yes, the same Steve's Burgers that has won award after award for its burgers. The same Steve's Burgers that started life in a roadside stand in Garfield. The same Steve's Burgers that today slings burgers in three spots (another in Garfield and still another in North Bergen). And, yes, the same Steve's Burgers headed by one of our favorite burger-makers, Stephen Chrisomalis.

The "smash taco" at Steve's Burgers.
The "smash taco" at Steve's Burgers.

How do I order one?

The smash taco at all three Steve's locations is a secret menu item, meaning you won't find it on the written menu. To order one, simply approach the counter and ask for a "smash taco." The team will know what you mean.

(We heard rumors, though, that — by the time you're reading this — the dish may be added to their permanent menu; $5 a piece.)

What's on Steve's smash taco?

Like most smash tacos, Steve's version features a smashed burger patty, cheese, lettuce, diced onion and pickles on a griddled tortilla. The spot makes it their own, however, by finishing it with Steve's "special sauce," rather than a commercial Thousand Island.

The dish can be made with cheddar cheese (if you're looking for more of a taco taste) or American (if you're after that Big Mac vibe). In this case, we prefer American.

An inside view of the 'Smash Taco' at Steve's Burgers.
An inside view of the 'Smash Taco' at Steve's Burgers.

Is Steve's smash taco good?

It's a burger in a taco. So, yeah, it's good.

Since the burger is in a tortilla, rather than on a bun, its juices don't get absorbed easily, making for a super drippy, sloppy meal — especially when that grease mixes with Chrisomalis's secret sauce.

The problem with the smash taco, however, is that its patty is thin and cooked flat on a grill. You lose the soft texture, therefore, of a regular burger, and sometimes even run the risk of it being dry (though that hasn't happened at Steve's, but you never know).

So, at the end of the day, if you find yourself at this contemporary Jersey staple, yeah, get a smash taco or two. But don't let them replace the classic "Steve's Burger."

Because, with its thick, juicy patty, that sandwich is the true "smash" hit.

Go: 506 Route 46 in Garfield; 68 Passaic St. in Garfield; and 7409 Broadway in North Bergen.

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: 'Smash taco' in North Jersey: We found one. Now, is it good?