What Former Model Convicted In Murder-For-Hire Plot Wants Intended Victim To Know

Former model Tara Lambert was convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated murder after she was caught trying to hire a hitman to kill her then husband’s ex, Kellie Cooke. While she first claimed that she just wanted to “disable” Cooke, on Tuesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, Lambert admits that in conversation with an undercover cop, she was talking about having Cooke killed.

In the video above, Lambert shares a message with Cooke.

“I have guilt, and I have a lot of sympathy for their family and what they’ve had to hear and deal with,” she tells Dr. Phil.

Cooke, however, isn’t convinced Lambert is being sincere.

“She’s sorry she got caught,” she tells Dr. Phil.

Watch more in the video above.

This episode airs Tuesday. Watch more here.