Former Disney Channel Star Kyle Massey Sued For Allegedly Attempting a Lewd Act With a Minor

The 27-year-old actor allegedly sent sexually explicit texts, images and videos to a 13-year-old girl.

Kyle Massey has been sued.

The 27-year-old actor, best known for starring on Disney Channel's That's So Raven and Cory in the House, has been sued for allegedly attempting to commit a lewd act with a minor, among other things, according to court documents obtained by ET.

Massey is being sued by a 13-year-old girl for intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence per se (harmful matter sent with intent of seduction of a minor), negligence per se (attempting to commit a lewd act with a minor) and negligence per se (annoying or molesting a minor). ET has reached out to Massey's rep for comment.

The girl, who remains anonymous in the court documents, claims that she and her mom met Massey in 2009, when she was just 4. She says Massey maintained contact with her over the following years. The lawsuit claims that Massey contacted the girl's mother to invite the girl to stay with him and his girlfriend in Los Angeles, so he could help her find an agent. After that, the girl alleges that Massey started to send her sexually explicit texts, images and videos.

The lawsuit claims that as a result of Massey's conduct, the girl has suffered great pain of mind, body, shock, emotional distress, physical manifestations of emotional distress, embarrassment, loss of self-esteem, disgrace, humiliation and loss of enjoyment of life.

The girl is seeking damages of at least $1.5 million.

Reporting by Steve Wilks.


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