Former Aircraft Mechanic Who Lives With His Mom Says He Plans On Working In A Marijuana Dispensary

Former Aircraft Mechanic Who Lives With His Mom Says He Plans On Working In A Marijuana Dispensary

Jeff says he and his three children moved in with his mother, Janet, 16 years ago after his marriage fell apart and he lost his career as an aircraft mechanic when he failed a drug test.

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The 45-year-old says he was in the process of interviewing for work out-of-state, when he claims, “My mom and Aunt Linda sat me down and said that if I do get the job out of town, they wouldn’t let me take the kids with me.”

WATCH ‘This Is Not What I Pictured When I Graduated High School,’ Says 45-Year-Old Who Lives With Mom

Janet denies Jeff’s claim and says she only told him that he should leave his kids with her while he got established.

Jeff says he feels “stuck,” living with Janet, and wants to move out.

How does Dr. Phil respond when Jeff says his future career plans include working at a marijuana dispensary?

This episode of Dr. Phil airs Wednesday. Check here to find out where you can watch.

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