Former 007 Pierce Brosnan Says It Would Be ‘Exhilarating’ for a Woman to Play James Bond

Former 007 Pierce Brosnan Says It Would Be ‘Exhilarating’ for a Woman to Play James Bond

Pierce Brosnan says it’s time for a woman to take on the role of 007.

The 66-year-old actor, who told The Hollywood Reporter that playing James Bond was his career highlight, now wants to see a woman in the part.

“I think we’ve watched the guys do it for the last 40 years, get out of the way, guys, and put a woman up there,” Brosnan told the outlet on Sunday. “I think it would be exhilarating, it would be exciting.”

Earlier this year, a report said that British actress Lashana Lynch will be taking over the legendary role from Daniel Crag in the next installment, No Time to Die.

According to a July report by The Daily Mail UK, Lynch, 31, plays a new agent who takes over Bond’s iconic code name as Craig‘s character is living in Jamaica as a retiree after the events of 2015’s Spectre.

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Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty

The film allegedly finds Bond coming out of retirement for one final mission, where he goes up against a villain played by recent Oscar winner Rami Malek.

“There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says ‘Come in 007,’ and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman,” a source told the outlet.

“It’s a popcorn-dropping moment,” the source added. “Bond is still Bond but he’s been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman.”

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However, Brosnan doubts the current producers would be on-board with a woman taking on the legendary role.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen with the Broccolis,” he told the Hollywood Reporter. “I don’t think that is going to happen under their watch.”

Slaven Vlasic/Getty
Slaven Vlasic/Getty

The actor, who saved the world on four separate occasions as the famed M16 agent, said his work as James Bond was one of his greatest achievements in his acting career.

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“James Bond has a certain significance and a deep pride. I will be asked about him until my dying days – it just goes with the territory. He’s a beloved character,” Brosnan said. “I was honored to play the role and I rejuvenated a franchise that had been dormant.”

No Time to Die will premiere April 8, 2020.