Flying Lotus shares new single “Heroes Pt. 5”: Stream

The seventh edition of Adult Swim’s Singles Program comes to a jazzy end.

Great year for Flying Lotus. He’s on Herbie Hancock’s new album. He just performed at David Lynch’s Festival of Disruption in New York City. He scored a hilarious episode of Atlanta. And back in March, he dropped seven tracks culled from various sci-fi shorts and films he soundtracked, including Blade Runner Black Out 22. So, yeah, we don’t really need much else from the guy these days, but hey, we’ll take another single.

“Heroes Pt. 5” is the latest stroke of genius from FlyLo, and it closes out Adult Swim’s seventh edition of their outstanding Singles Program. Those looking to vibe out to something slightly akin to his collaboration with Kendrick Lamar (see: 2014’s “Never Catch Me”) should find solace in the deep sea six-string work that bubbles up toward the end here. It’s less than three minutes, but, it’s a sweet treat for the summer. Stream below.