Florida Guardian ad Litem is legal representation for children | Opinion

The Guardian ad Litem office is in the Leon County Courthouse Annex building on Thomasville Road.
The Guardian ad Litem office is in the Leon County Courthouse Annex building on Thomasville Road.

As the Circuit Two Guardian ad Litem Circuit Director with oversight over Leon, Franklin, Wakulla, Gadsden, Jefferson, and Liberty counties, I need to speak up about a recent opinion written on the belief that children in Florida need child-directed attorneys.

The Florida Guardian ad Litem Office is legal representation for children. A judge appoints the Guardian ad Litem Office, which then assigns Guardians ad Litem to each child. Each child is represented by a multi-disciplinary team that includes a Guardian ad Litem Attorney, a certified child advocate manager, and hopefully a trained volunteer. Each one of the members of the child’s team is a Guardian ad Litem by Florida law and has the fiduciary responsibility to represent each child.

Our attorneys represent the child's legal interests as any other child or ward is represented in most court proceedings in Florida. Florida Guardian ad Litem has over 200 attorneys on staff and over 800 pro bono attorneys who proudly step up daily to represent our most vulnerable children in Florida, the abused, abandoned and neglected.

Currently, only eight states use a primary model of client-directed representation for foster children. The majority of states use the best interest standard, like Florida, that provides all information to the judge in regards to the child, unlike client-directed representation which the attorney must maintain confidentiality with the child and can only advocate for what the child wants, regardless of age, safety and wellness concerns. Only Guardian ad Litem Attorneys in Florida can represent a child’s best interest.

The Florida Guardian ad Litem Office leads the way in almost all categories compared to states using a client-directed attorney primary model of representation. Some notable measures are the lowest length of time spent in foster care, the highest percentage adopted from foster care by relatives, and the lowest average length of stay waiting to be adopted, to name a few. We represented over 37,000 children in 2021; leading in these categories confirms the quality of legal representation and volunteer advocacy provided to our children.

A recent study showed that the Florida Guardian ad Litem Office has better permanency outcomes than the Legal Aid Society (client-directed attorneys) in Palm Beach County, working with the Florida Guardian ad Litem Office in cases from January 2019 to October 2021.

Many children who are removed from their parents' care want to return home, regardless of the abuse and neglect. They often want to return home even when it is not a safe or supportive place. This desire to return to normalcy with family members whom children love and depend upon is completely natural.

Though some client-directed attorneys for children may disagree with their client’s wishes, they are bound to advocate and represent the child’s wishes in the courtroom. That is why I support Gov. DeSantis’ veto of the $2.4 million pilot project that would start forcing children to decide their fate, regardless of age.

Deborah Moore is the Circuit Director for the Guardian ad Litem Program in the 2nd Judicial Circuit. 


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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Florida Guardian ad Litem is legal representation for children | Opinion