Fleet Foxes’ Robin Pecknold Says He Was Once “Dangerously and Actively Suicidal”

“Suicide has been an at-many-times daily part of my psychic reality, even still. It follows me around.”

Fleet Foxes’ Robin Pecknold opened up about his history of suicide ideation in a personal Instagram post last night. His comments followed the death of Anthony Bourdain and designer Kate Spade in the past week, both by suicide. “During a period a few years ago when I was dangerously and actively suicidal, my respect for my loved ones and my knowledge of the pain I would cause them was, truly and with no overstatement, the only effective thought I had at my disposal to prevent myself from acting,” he wrote. Find his full statement below.

Pecknold added, “The reason it makes me uncomfortable to see suicide lionized is because suicide has been an at-many-times daily part of my psychic reality, even still. It follows me around. When artists are made legends through suicide, I know that some segment of the impressionable population internalizes this as justification for the act. I know this because I have overcome this exact delusion.”

Pecknold concluded the post by saying, “I have nothing but empathy for anyone struggling, and I really hope people get the help they need, and that we all make ourselves available to those close to us who need us.” Anyone in need of help can reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1–800–273–8255 or SuicidePreventionLifeline.org to chat with someone online.