'The Flash' Trailer 1

Watch Ezra Miller and Michael Keaton in the first trailer for 'The Flash'

Video Transcript


- Tell me something. You can go anywhere. Another timeline. Another universe. So why do you want to stay and fight to save this one?

- Because this is the world where my mom lives. I'm not going to lose her again.

- Time has a pattern. That it can't help reliving. Different people, different worlds, drawn to each other like magnets.

- Th-th-that's my face. You s-stole my face.

- If you were to go into the past, you have no idea what the consequences can be.

- Bruce, I could fix things.

- You could also destroy everything.

- This can't be happening. I completely broke the universe.

- Sarge, we've been waiting for you.

- I created a world with no MetaHumans. And now there's no one to defend us.

- Want some help?


- Oh. You're-- you are--

- Yeah. I'm Batman.

- If I can't undo what I did, if I can't get back, there might not be a future.

- No!

- What's the plan? Batman, what do we do?

- We try not to die.

- It's not Clark.

- My name is Kara.

- I'm Barry.

- We're Barry.

- Barry, what are you doing?

- Our kids are going to want to see this.