'The Flash' Makes Up for Disappointing 'Supergirl' Crossover Episode

On night two of The CW's Heroes Vs Aliens week, The Flash made up for yesterday's all too brief heroes crossover in the Supergirl episode, and we learned why Barry and Cisco went looking for Kara. "Well, since we're fighting aliens, I figured we should get one of our own, right?" Barry said, and with the help of Cisco, who found the right Earth using a Tachyon device, they traveled back to Monday's Supergirl episode to find Kara. Of course, they eventually found Kara and brought her back to Tuesday's episode of The Flash. If that wasn't confusing enough, once at Star Labs, Kara had to learn everyone's names. Supergirl passed her first test with "flying" colors, quickly getting to know Green Arrow, Spartan, Speedy, White Canary, Firestorm, The Atom, and Heat Wave. Once roll call was taken, the heroes got busy trying to save the president, who had been abducted by aliens, but first they had to deal with the Dominators mind-controlling abilities. The crossover continues on Wednesday's episode of Arrow.