Five comics to watch in San Diego

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We're mere days away from the official launch date of annual pop culture festival Comic-Con. And while we're all busy buzzing over the movies and TV shows that will soon colonize your Twitter feed, it's important not to forget the "Comic" part of Comic-Con. The major comics publishers will all be in attendance, showing off teases for upcoming books and new crossovers — here are the five comics we're excited to learn more about in San Diego.

1. Inhuman and "Inhumanity"

As EW revealed exclusively last week, Marvel Comics is planning to radically alter the layout of their entire universe, with a major event that will activate dormant Inhuman superpowers in human citizens throughout the world. Expect an in-depth look at the publisher's post-"Infinity" plans, along with a more in-depth look at the Fraction/Madureira book Inhuman.

2. Wonder Woman: Earth One

DC superstar Grant Morrison has spent the last few years working on lengthy runs with Batman and Superman. In this 2014 graphic novel, he turns his focus to the third member of the Big Three. His Wonder Woman promises to bring the character back to her feminist roots while also redefining her for a new generation.

3. Villains Month

In September, the DC baddies stage a takeover of all the monthly comic books. It's the kind of stunt that could reap some potential rewards for the publisher, which has been looking to regain the buzz baton from Marvel in the two years since its "New 52" relaunch.

4. The Walking Dead 10th anniversary

Robert Kirkman's zombie series is celebrating a decade of undead-slaying with a panel on Thursday. Expect Kirkman to announce further plans for extending the Dead franchise in every conceivable direction. Also, you never know: He might kill off one of your favorite characters in the middle of the panel, just because.

5. Trillium

Star-in-the-making writer-artist Jeff Lemire is set to unveil his new creator-owned miniseries, a futuristic adventure billed as "the last love story every told." Lemire's work is always strange, emotionally charged, and utterly unique, and Trillium looks like the most fascinating entry in Vertigo's impressive upcoming slate (which also includes Neil Gaiman's return to The Sandman.)