The first trailer for The Nun, the new horror prequel to The Conjuring, has arrived: Watch

The Nun

The Conjuring 2 was a substandard follow-up to its spooky, reserved predecessor, though it did introduce one freaky character in a demonic nun that, despite serving any kind of real purpose, was good for a shriek. That the character was as wedged in as it was serves to illustrate just how committed Warner Bros. is to building a universe out of these films, the likes of which began with 2014’s dreadful Annabelle and 2017’s not-so-dreadful Annabelle: Creation. A movie about the devout demon was announced soon after her initial appearance, and it’s now received its first teaser trailer.

Corin Hardy, who scored a cult hit with 2015’s well-received The Hallow, directs the prequel, which is described thusly:

“When a young nun at a cloistered abbey in Romania takes her own life, a priest with a haunted past and a novitiate on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate. Together they uncover the order’s unholy secret. Risking not only their lives but their faith and their very souls, they confront a malevolent force in the form of the same demonic nun that first terrorized audiences in The Conjuring 2, as the abbey becomes a horrific battleground between the living and the damned.”

There’s little here to chew on here aside from a few shadowy nun’s habits and what looks like an overcomplicated origin story, and the trailer’s opening plea to “watch to the end” is in service to a jump scare that anyone who’s seen a horror movie (or trailer) already saw coming. But, hey, Annabelle: Creation ended up being surprisingly effective, so we’ll remain cautiously optimistic.

(Read: In 2013, The Conjuring Wanted Everyone to Believe in Ghosts)

Taissa Farmiga, sister of Conjuring star Vera Farmiga, stars alongside Demian Bichir (Weeds, The Bridge), Jonas Bloquet (Elle), Charlotte Hope (Game of Thrones), and Bonnie Aarons, reprising her role as the titular creature. The script comes courtesy of Gary Dauberman, who also penned the Annabelle flicks and whatever parts of It that Cary Fukunaga didn’t. He’s a rising star in horror right now, but, based on his existent output, his work only pops with a good director at the helm. Hopefully Hardy’s up for the task.

The Nun opens on September 7th. Watch the full trailer below.