First Trailer for ‘Personal Shopper’ Shows Kristen Stewart Confronting the Ghosts of Her Past

Olivier Assayas’s new movie Personal Shopper has had a dramatic experience at the Cannes Film Festival so far. The psychological thriller starring Assayas’s Clouds of Sils Maria actress, Kristen Stewart, was booed at its first press screening on Monday night. But there was an almost immediate backlash to the backlash online from writers (including yours truly) who defended both the movie and Stewart’s riveting performance. Then at its official red-carpet premiere on Tuesday, the movie got a standing ovation from the tux and evening-gown wearing crowd.

Related: Cannes Report: Kristen Stewart’s Spiky, Scary ‘Personal Shopper’ Gets Booed — and Praised

Now, movie fans at home can get an idea what all the fuss is about with the new international trailer above. Stewart plays Maureen, an American working as a personal shopper to a French media star in Paris. She hates her job, but she’s physically and emotionally stuck waiting for a sign from her late twin brother Lewis, who recently died of a heart condition. The trailer does a skillful job bouncing between the movie’s dueling themes, as both a portrait of spiraling grief and a Hitchcockian ghost story that’s not above a terrifying jump scare or two. Stewart is excellent throughout, whether she’s carrying on an unnerving iMessage exchange or secretly modeling her boss’s forbidden couture. “I wanted to be the most thoughtless, present, naked version of myself that I could possibly be,” Stewart said at the film’s Cannes press conference.