Firefly Gears Up as a Mezco G.I. Joe One:12 Figure

Hasbro typically dubs June as “Yo Joe June,” with an extra emphasis on new G.I. Joe products and reveals.

This year, however, they aren’t the only ones. Mezco‘s getting in on the game with their latest One:12 Collective Joes. For 2023, it’s Cobra saboteur Firefly, with a massive arsenal at his disposal.

It’s an unintentionally poignant choice; during development, Mezco couldn’t possibly have anticipated the death of Ray Stevenson. Stevenson portrayed the character in live-action in the movie G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

Shop Mezco’s One:12 Series on Amazon

Gearing Up

Firefly comes with three interchangeable heads, though they’re all masked. In a nod to the more recent Hasbro redesign, he comes with drones — one ground-based, and two flying, both of which attach to him via air trails. He also packs guns, grenades, explosives, and muzzle flashes for action poses.

As for his outfit, per the official description, he wears “a Cobra-issued camo uniform with Cobra insignia, chest harness, utility belt, thigh holsters, and tactical boots. A backpack is included which is used for flying and rover drone storage and can attach to the back of his chest harness.” His body underneath features 32+ points of articulation, some of which the gear might inhibit.

All those extras come at a price — $112, to be exact. He’s not the cheapest One:12 figure, but he does appear to be one of the most complex. Firefly ships this winter, but don’t bet on him hitting by Christmas. Like a good saboteur, nobody quite knows when he’ll show up.

Take a look through the images below and see what you think.