Fiona Apple announces release date for new album Fetch the Bolt Cutters

Fans won't have to wait much longer for Fiona Apple's next album

Fetch the Bolt Cutters, Apple's first new album in eight years, is getting a digital release on April 17. The release date was announced Wednesday via a YouTube video posted to her fansite featuring a dog running in slow motion on a beach — check it out below.

Apple previously revealed the song titles for all 13 tracks: "Newspaper," "On I Go," "The Drumset Is Gone," "Rack of His," "Kick Me Under the Table," "Ladies," "For Her," "Fetch the Bolt Cutters," "Shameka," "Heavy Balloon," and "I Want You to Love Me." The album title comes from a quote from British TV series The Fall starring Gillian Anderson.

The upcoming album is Apple's follow-up to 2012’s The Idler Wheel..., an album that came out after a seven-year break following Extraordinary Machine's release in 2005.

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