Felicity Huffman Released From Prison

After spending nearly two weeks behind bars, the actress has become motivated to help other convicts.

Felicity Huffman has served her time in prison.

The 56-year-old actress was released from the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California, on Friday, and she will now begin her one year of supervised release. As part of her sentencing on Sept. 13 for her role in the college admissions scandal, she also has to complete 250 hours of community service of working one-on-one with children and a $30,000 fine.

Although Huffman was sentenced to 14 days in prison, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons previously told ET that she would only be serving 13 days in custody since she received credit for one day of jail time to account for the time she spent in custody when she was originally arrested at her Los Angeles home on March 12, taken in and booked. Huffman was released from prison even earlier than her projected release date of Oct. 27 -- this Sunday -- because, according to the Bureau of Prisons' policy, they may release an inmate whose release date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday on the last preceding weekday unless it is necessary to detain the inmate or there is any reason the inmate should not be released until the inmate's scheduled release date.

Huffman turned herself in to federal prison on Oct. 15 to begin serving her sentence, and was dropped off by her husband, William H. Macy. A source told ET on Monday that Huffman was "doing really well" and was "holding up" during her time behind bars. Last Saturday, she got a visit from Macy and their youngest daughter, 17-year-old Georgia.

"The visits went nicely," ET's source said. "They spent a lot of time together. They sat in the visitors room for a few hours and spoke."

According to the source, the visit was especially hard on Georgia.

"Her mother’s in prison garb -- it’s very difficult," the source said. "This is not to be taken lightly. It’s federal prison. This is not 'club fed' -- it's just not. It’s not like the articles on online. She’s in a room with inmates with a toilet in the middle of the floor. She’s in prison garb and there’s work duty -- it’s pretty serious stuff."

Huffman has admitted to paying $15,000 to help get her eldest daughter, 19-year-old Sophia, into an elite college by cheating on the SAT. She formally pleaded guilty to charges of mail fraud and honest services mail fraud back in April.

In a statement after the sentencing, Huffman said she accepted the court's sentencing and took full responsibility for her actions.

"I have always been prepared to accept whatever punishment Judge Talwani imposed," she said. "I broke the law. I have admitted that and I pleaded guilty to this crime. There are no excuses or justifications for my actions. Period. I would like to apologize again to my daughter, my husband, my family and the educational community for my actions. And I especially want to apologize to the students who work hard every day to get into college, and to their parents who make tremendous sacrifices supporting their children.

"I have learned a lot over the last six months about my flaws as a person," the statement continued. "My goal now is to serve the sentence that the court has given me. I look forward to doing my community service hours and making a positive impact on my community. I also plan to continue making contributions wherever I can well after those service hours are completed. I can promise you that in the months and years to come that I will try and live a more honest life, serve as a better role model for my daughters and family and continue to contribute my time and energies wherever I am needed. My hope now is that my family, my friends and my community will forgive me for my actions."


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