Father’s Emotional Plea To Son Who Uses Drugs

Stephen and his wife, Susan, say they are desperate to help their 27-year-old son, JJ. They claim he’s lazy, steals is unemployed and has been violent toward them in the past. They also claim he drinks and uses drugs, and refuses to support himself or his 4-month-old son.

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Stephen says he’s had enough of his son’s behavior and kicked him out of the house, but that Susan bought a camper van and moved it and JJ to their backyard. He says his wife is the “ultimate enabler.”

WATCH: 27-Year-Old Who Lives In Camper In Parents’ Yard Says He Thinks Jail Is ‘Better’

The parents say they fear they’re going to get a call that their son has been found dead. Steve, who says he brought his son back to life twice, pleas with his son to seek help.

“One day, you might be with your son and you do this crap, you do this heroin and you die. And that poor little boy is going to be there with nobody. He’s going to grow up without a father,” Stephen says to JJ. “You know how much as a father it kills me? It kills me. It kills me to lay down at night, in the middle of the night, and I’m thinking, why did I save him? … And then I see your little son … And I tried to be the father for you, and it’s killing me. It really is killing me, JJ. You’re going to kill me before I have a chance to enjoy any of my grandchildren. You’ve got to stop.”

Watch more of his emotional plea in the video above. And on Monday’s episode, see what happens when Dr. Phil offers this family a chance for help. Will they all agree to follow his rules? Check here to see where you can watch.

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