Fallon Claps Back at Trump on ‘Tonight Show': ‘Shouldn’t He Have More Important Things to Do?’

Fallon Claps Back at Trump on ‘Tonight Show': ‘Shouldn’t He Have More Important Things to Do?’

Jimmy Fallon used his opening monologue on “The Tonight Show” to respond, again, to Donald Trump’s angry tweet about him, sending a quick message to the First Lady: “Melania, if you’re watching, I don’t think your anti-bullying campaign is working.”

On Sunday, Trump complained on Twitter about how Fallon, speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, said he regretted tussling Trump’s hair on “The Tonight Show” two months before the 2016 presidential election. The host was heavily criticized for the cutesy moment by people who said it “normalized” the then-candidate.

“When I saw that Trump insulted me on Twitter, I was gonna tweet back immediately, but I thought, ‘I have more important things to do.’ Then I thought, ‘Wait – shouldn’t he have more important things to do?’ ” Fallon said during his monologue. “He’s the president! What are you doing? Why are you tweeting at me?

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Fallon also reiterated that he donated to the organization RAICES (Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services) in Trump’s name in response to the tweet.

“When Trump heard, he was like, ‘I love RAICES – they’re my favorite peanut butter cup.’ ” Fallon joked. “There’s no wrong way to eat a RAICES.”

The “Tonight Show” episode was taped hours before a political rally in South Carolina that Trump attended Monday night, but Fallon’s monologue ended up accidentally well-timed. That’s because at the rally, broadcast on Fox News, Trump complained yet again about Fallon and fellow “no talent” TV hosts Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert — who he called “the guy on CBS” but refused to name.

“Did you see Jimmy Fallon? …He apologized for humanizing me. Poor guy, because now he’s going to lose all of us,” Trump said, referring to his supporters. “If somebody would open a talk show at night, because the guy on CBS is — what a lowlife. Honestly, are these people funny? And I can laugh at myself. Frankly if I couldn’t I’d be in big trouble. But there’s no talent, they’re not, like, talented people.”

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Trump also bragged, again, that director David Lynch told The Guardian that Trump “could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history.”

Later in the monologue, Fallon joked that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a Virginia restaurant because “the server asked her what she wanted as an appetizer, and out of habit, she refused to answer.”

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