Explosive fight leads to a big twist in the 'Big Brother' house

It's been over 65 days in the Big Brother house and things are getting a little tense. Two days before the live eviction, Christie Murphy was on the eviction block and everyone, including Christie, thought she was going to be sent to the jury house. That is, until a super dramatic fight broke out between her and Nick Maccarone, which totally changed the game. After eavesdropping on a conversation Christie was having with a few of the houseguests, Nick decided to confront Christie because he thought she was trying to blow up his game. "I'm honest about everything I've ever done and you're not. Manifest the truth, bro," Nick screamed at Christie, who insisted that Nick has not been honest as he claims. According to Christie, Nick has been playing all sides of the house and telling everyone they would be safe if he were to be Head of Household. Christie then accused Nick of throwing the Head of Household competitions, which totally set Nick off. "I haven't thrown H.O.H. so stop f***ing lying on my name," Nick yelled at Christie, who replied by saying, "Nick, that's a lie. I gotta be honest." Nick's frustration led to even more screaming, while the rest of the houseguests witnessed the blow up with wide eyes. This was a smart move on Christie's part. Nick is actually a bigger threat for the houseguests. Keeping Christie ensures a bigger target in the house and means Christie could do the dirty work of getting Nick out. Christie made sure to let all her houseguests aware of it. "I do have a target going into next week and I am the biggest target. So if that is a reason to keep me. You are my target because you're no one else's and I am still the biggest target, and that's why I'm valuable," Christie told Nick. Later, in the diary room, Christie stated, "I hope that everyone has their blinders off now and sees Nick for exactly who he is and want to keep me as an asset to take a shot at him. I'll be the biggest target in the house but at least if I get a chance to stay and take a shot at him, I'd be glad to be the one to do it." Viewers haven't been a big fan of Christie lately, but after the dramatic showdown, you can't deny the fact that she is playing the Big Brother game. In the end, Christie managed to flip the house vote, Analyse Talavera was evicted, and that is how you play Big Brother.