Exclusive Preview: Rogue & Gambit #2

X-Men power couple, Remy and Anna Marie LeBeau, are really in over their heads this time. Rogue and Gambit accepted a secret mission from Destiny (one of Rogue’s adoptive mothers) to protect the mutant known as Manifold at all costs. However, they have already failed in that mission, and Manifold has fallen into the hands of an enemy who can bend mutants to their will.

Additionally, the enemy has apparently developed weapons that can temporarily depower mutants. Manifold was able to save the now powerless Rogue and Gambit by teleporting them away, but now they’re too far away to save him.

In Superhero Hype’s exclusive preview for Rogue & Gambit #2, writer Stephanie Phillips and artist Carlos Gomez find the titular couple at a crossroads…before they both realize that this gives them a rare opportunity. Meanwhile, Manifold’s captors are about to reveal themselves.

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Here’s the official description from Marvel:


The future of mutantkind rests on Rogue and Gambit’s shoulders! Granted a vision of Krakoa’s demise, Destiny knows the one way to save their paradise: Find Manifold and hide him away, somewhere so deep that no one, not even his allies on the Avengers, can find him. That…won’t sit well with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The King of Wakanda comes for Marvel’s premier couple!

But the Black Panther is just the first on a very long list of problems — and when someone else steals Manifold away, Rogue and Gambit find themselves in everyone’s crosshairs.”

You can read the full preview in our gallery below. Rogue & Gambit #2 will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, April 5.

  • Cover illustrated and colored by Steve Morris.
    Cover illustrated and colored by Steve Morris.
  • <strong>Pages illustrated by Carlos Gomez and colored by David Curiel.</strong>
    Pages illustrated by Carlos Gomez and colored by David Curiel.

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Recommended Reading: Rogue & Gambit: Ring of Fire

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