EXCLUSIVE: One Direction Opens Up About Show Cancellation: 'We Were All Stressed Out About It'

EXCLUSIVE: One Direction Opens Up About Show Cancellation: 'We Were All Stressed Out About It'

As One Direction gears up for the release of their fifth studio album in as many years, the band faced an unfortunate first experience on Tuesday night: cancelling a performance.

Only ET was with the band in Belfast, Ireland, on Wednesday, shortly after they called off their concert at the last minute due to Liam Payne falling ill.

"We feel obviously very lucky to have got this far without cancelling a show," Harry Styles tells ET. "It was very disappointing for us, as well.
We're very disappointed for the fans... But when someone's unwell and you're unable to perform, you can't do it."

Styles also explains that he, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson were disappointed that they weren't able to address the audience directly about the cancellation.

"We were trying to get on stage and then realized it wasn't going to happen," Styles says. "The venue wanted to make sure that everyone was safe in terms of getting out and having their tickets."

"I think it all happened so quickly, really," Tomlinson chimes in. "We were all stressed out about it and disappointed, and just at the end, that's the way it worked out."

"We're very sorry," he adds.

So far, no other tour dates have been impacted by Payne’s illness and Horan assures ET that his bandmate is already doing "a lot better."

"He's resting up," Styles says.

The band performed as scheduled on Wednesday night and is set to go on Thursday night in Belfast. Their cancelled show has been rescheduled for Friday.

It's been a rough tour for 1D, with both Styles and Horan suffering from foot fractures very recently. "We're just the craziest performers," Horan teases.

Styles, however, puts it best, saying: "The thing is, we just love to go out and give 110 percent each time."

Maybe it's about time to give these guys a break! Get the scoop on One Direction's impending hiatus in the video below.

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