Ewan McGregor Hated Keeping His Obi Wan Kenobi Show A Secret From 'Star Wars' Fans


Ewan McGregor: I'm Paying More in Support Than I Should Be!

The Best Part Of The Prequel Series

While the Star Wars prequels are pretty much universally panned, it is a truth universally acknowledged that Ewan McGregor's portrayal of young Obi Wan Kenobi is easily the highlight of that particular trilogy. He brings pathos and humor in equal measure and is beloved by Star Wars fans.

The Disney+ Roll Out

With the resurgence of Star Wars, especially after the announcement of Disney+, fans have been hopeful that McGregor's Jedi master would get another shot at the galaxy. This year at D23, fans were rewarded with the announcement of an Obi Wan Kenobi series coming to Disney+ in 2020.

Keeping The Secret

According to McGregor, he's been keeping this project a secret for years, and that he's "not really brought up that way. I'd much rather be honest with people."

He told the Associated Press while promoting Doctor Sleep that it was a necessary evil.

"But the studios are, and the franchises are, understandably secretive. And they want to keep everything a secret till they want it released. Once they started making spin-off movies, there was such a lot of speculation about an Obi-Wan spin-off. And I was asked every time I did an interview by people, would I do it? And it just became embarrassing, because it sounded a bit like I was trying to get the part from Disney. You know, like, I was saying, 'Well, you know. Well, if they give me a call, I'd be, you know, I'd be interested.'"

He Hated Lying

Fans have been passionate about the project, and McGregor appreciated their fervor, even if it put him in a rough spot.

"Fans [would] like being angry with Disney, saying, 'They better not cast someone else.' And I was thinking, 'Who else are they going to cast, you know? Like just let me say it.'"

Luckily, he can be open about how awesome the show is going to be now.

"And now [that] the cat is out of the bag that we're doing again, I'm really excited about it. It's a really phenomenal storyline that we're going to tell."

Bring on 2020!