EW’s 2018 naughty and nice list

Naughty and nice 2018: Ariana Grande, A Star is Born, and more

‘Twas the morning of Christmas, and in Tinseltown
The stars fêted the end of the yuletide countdown.
The bottles of Veuve sparkled, ready to pop
At the parties where A-listers that night would stop.

And as Santa looked over his annual list
(Checking twice, making sure no celeb he had missed),
He saw naughty and nice figures in equal measure,
Deciding who’d get coal that day, who’d get treasure.

Former lovers are naughty, according to past trends,
But you know who’s nice? All of Ariana’s ex-boyfriends.
On the flip side, when looking straight into their souls,
On the naughty list are all of Grande’s mean trolls.

That Tiffany Haddish — she had quite a year!
Now she makes the nice list, for spreading so much cheer.
But a new naughty-lister was made when Tiff did say
That someone in Hollywood bit Queen Beyoncé.

Now Bradley’s directing, and there’s nothing better
Than Cooper’s old-school melodrama love letter.
But the naughtiest Hollywood people we saw?
Those 99 morons who doubted Gaga!

So as this year finally winds to an end,
We look back on who messed up, whom to commend.
Taking pains to miss no one and to be precise,
Here’s the list of who was naughty and who was nice!


  1. Ariana Grande’s ex-boyfriends

  2. Tiffany Haddish

  3. Bradley Cooper

  4. All of Old Donna’s former lovers in Mamma Mia 2

  5. Nicole Kidman on Instagram

  6. The new Fab Five

  7. The Canadian ice dancers in the Olympics

  8. The ladies of Book Club

  9. Venom?

  10. The angels and saints who attended the Met Gala

  11. Paddington

  12. Whoever at NBC brought back Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  13. Celebrities who voted!

  14. Those who have BDE

  15. Oprah, as always

  16. All former members of Fifth Harmony

  17. All the boys I’ve loved before

  18. Mister Rogers


  1. Ariana Grande’s trolls

  2. Whoever bit Beyoncé

  3. The 99 people in a room who did not believe in Lady Gaga

  4. All of Young Donna’s summer flings in Mamma Mia 2

  5. Kanye on Twitter

  6. The old Roseanne

  7. Everyone who has forgotten about the Olympics

  8. Also those ladies of Book Club!

  9. Also Venom!!!

  10. The eight con-artist women who burgled the Met Gala

  11. Killmonger

  12. Whoever at Fox canceled Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  13. Celebrities who gloated

  14. Those who judge BDE

  15. Deadpool, as always

  16. Everyone who tried to provoke former members of Fifth Harmony into public displays of cattiness

  17. All the reboots I’ve seen before

  18. Thanos