Everything to know about the American Avocet

American Avocet
American Avocet

The variety that can be observed in the animal kingdom, even among same groupings, is nothing shy of amazing. This statement holds true especially with birds. While most avian species have beak shapes that are unassuming, there is a species that can be observed in our area that breaks that trend, and that species is the American Avocet.

The American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) is a moderately sized species of long-legged bird that can be seen throughout the Great Plains from southern Canada southward through the majority of Texas during the summer months. Being a migratory species, it prefers to reside in the warmer climates of Latin America during the colder months of the year.

Many naturalists describe this species as graceful, and it is a term that truly fits this distinctive, colorful bird. Its head and neck are colored rusty reddish with two distinctive white patches; one on top of the eye and the other at the base of the bill. The bill is exceptionally long and slender and is usually colored black. Unlike most other semi-aquatic “waders,” the bill on this bird actually curved upwards, more so on the females. The underparts are colored chalky white while the upperparts are dramatically colored black and white. The legs are long and are typically colored blue to bluish gray. It is the tallest member of its family, with adult males usually just over 18 inches in height with a wingspan of nearly three feet.

Primarily a semi-aquatic shoreline species, the American Avocet can most commonly be observed searching for food as it wades in the shallows of ponds, creeks, rivers and the occasional lake. Like other “waders” it typically walks the shallows searching for its prey which consists of insects, crustaceans and other invertebrate animals. As this species flies, the pattern is straight and direct, with the neck straight out in front and the long legs trailing behind.

This avian species typically prefers to live alone, although it will occasionally congregate in prime feeding areas. During the breeding season, pairs that have selected each other for a monogamous season will perform intricate rituals and courtship displays. The pair will choose a nesting site on the ground near a permanent water source and both sexes will build a simple nest constructed out of mud chips and grass. One time per year, the female will lay three to four oblong eggs that are approximately two inches in total length. These eggs are olive colored and are marked with brown or black blotches. The incubation period lasts just over three weeks, and both parents incubate the eggs. Upon hatching, the young leave the nest within two days, able to take care of and find food for themselves. The term for this ability is precocial. The young birds, although able to tend to themselves, do not take flight for almost one month after hatching.

The population studies on this avian species show significant improvement over the past few decades. At one time, this species was hunted for its plumage, and the overhunting associated with this activity severely depleted the populations. However, after being protected by federal laws, it has made a tremendous comeback. In many regions, this bird is quite common, with populations stable and even on the rise in some areas in the Great Plains.

Michael Price is owner of Wild About Texas, an educational company that specializes in venomous animal safety training, environmental consultations and ecotourism. Contact him at wildabouttexas@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on San Angelo Standard-Times: Everything to know about the American Avocet