Everyone Underestimated Sansa Stark. That's Why She'll Win 'Game of Thrones'.

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Photo credit: HBO

From Esquire

From birth, Sansa Stark's path was set out for her. She'd be a proper lady, a princess-one who would advance the family line through marriage and children. Such is the role for women in Westeros. But while her sister, Arya, was quick to reject her gender role, Sansa acquiesced, accepting the fact that it was her brother, Robb, who was the Stark born to rule, and that she would marry a highborn, powerful man. But Sansa's destined path quickly collapsed. While Robb and Jon and Arya were off fighting wars and dying and coming back to life, Sansa was trapped and treated as a pawn by evil politicians-

her dreams of a comfortable life as a princess shattered.

We've watched as Sansa has been underestimated and written off by the men who've used her-and we've seen her change from those experiences. She's survived, maneuvered, and grown. She's patient, wise, and, most importantly, nobody has seen her ascent coming. With all eyes on Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, and Bran Stark going into this final chapter, Sansa doesn't have a target on her back. Like she surprised her enemies, she'll shock the audience when she becomes the Stark to win the whole thing.

Of course, when you look back, it all makes perfect sense.

When we meet Sansa for the first time in Season One, she's doing embroidery while her brothers practice archery and Arya dreams of a warrior's life. Through the whole first season, Sansa is presented as a cloistered teenage princess. She has dreams of marrying a handsome prince (Joffrey) and becoming a lady of the court.

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Photo credit: HBO

But after the deaths of her parents, she's thrown to the lions in King's Landing-forced to survive through politics and cunning rather than strength and sword. When her marriage to the repulsive Joffrey Baratheon fell apart for a new alliance with the Tyrells, she was handed over to Tyrion Lannister. But, before they could consummate the marriage, Sansa slipped away as Joffrey died by poison. Unlike her stupidly brave and nobel-to-a-fault brother and father, Sansa was patient and careful in King's Landing. Another Stark would have tried to lead the charge against all odds. But Sansa was judicious, waiting for the right moment to escape.

Early on, one of her biggest mistakes was trusting Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish. He married her off to psychotic Ramsay Bolton, who raped her on their wedding night. When it seemed like Sansa would never escape, though, she outsmarted Ramsay, using the intel that he’d been starving his dogs to set him up to be killed by his own animals.

That was the turning point for Sansa. She no longer needed protecting-she’d learned enough to fend for herself.

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

Next, vitally, she realized the danger in her alliance with Littlefinger. When he tried to pit her against Arya, the sisters paired up to bring him down. As Arya slashed his throat in Season Seven, Sansa said, “I’m a slow learner, it’s true, but I do learn.”

Now, she's back with her sister, Arya, who has spent years becoming a fierce fighter. She's reunited with her brothers Jon Snow (she doesn't yet know he's a Targaryen) and Bran, who has become the powerful Three-Eyed Raven. She's got the protection of Brienne of Tarth. And she no longer has Littlefinger leading her astray.

Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa, told Entertainment Weekly that this will be the first season she wears armor-a complete 180 from the sheltered girl we met seven seasons ago. Odds Shark places her chances at winning the whole thing at +700 -behind Bran, Jon, and Daenerys. But now that she's the oldest living Stark, Sansa certainly has claim to the throne. And with no clear enemies coming for her and loyal partners as she goes into the final chapter, Sansa's character has the experience, strength, and support to take the whole damn kingdom.

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