Is Eva Longoria The New Joan Collins?

Eva Longoria cozied up to Joan Collins yesterday at The 52nd Monte Carlo TV Festival and it got me thinking that the former Desperate Housewives star will most likely end up following in the former Dynasty star's footsteps.

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While both are passable actors, something tells me Eva will have as much difficulty escaping Gabrielle Solis and Joan did shaking off Alexis Carrington. Let's be real, the79-year-old only continues to get work is because she is Joan "mother f*cking" Collins. She is an icon. A legend. And an excellent template for Eva to model her career on.

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Like Joan, Eva is a passionate philanthropist who's beloved by the gays -- which is truthfully the only demo that counts when you're a campy drama queen. They will not only continue to fawn over Eva for decades to come, but also keep her out of harsh lighting while delicately touching up her lipstick.

Even if Eva works again -- as Joan has done via guest roles that always have her playing Alexis Carrington, just with a different name -- that random role will never be able to eclipse the endlessly enjoyable material girl Eva played for eight seasons. And that shouldn't stress her out. It's a massive achievement to create a character that people want you to play for the rest of time.

So own it. And maybe develop a British accent.

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