“Euphoria” Fans Are Joking About Tom Holland Being In The Audience At Lexi’s Play, And The Tweets Are Pure Gold

Warning: Euphoria Season 2, Episode 7 spoilers below!!!

At this point, Tom Holland has expressed to everyone and their mom about his desire to make a cameo in Euphoria.

  IMDb / Via youtube.com
IMDb / Via youtube.com

I would personally love to see Tom slap on some glitter and resign his face to an angsty look to walk the halls of Euphoria High, but it is hard to imagine.

  HBO Max / Getty Images
HBO Max / Getty Images

And apparently, I’m not alone in wanting Tom on Euphoria, because after the latest episode — which brilliantly featured Lexi’s play — some super-dedicated (and talented) fans took it upon themselves to photoshop Tom into the audience.

After running back to the episode to confirm for sure that Tom was, sadly, not in the audience, I can say the memes are still superb.

  HBO Max

I just love that someone decided to make Tom's dreams come true.

UFC / Via giphy.com

And honestly, I’m still convinced he might sneak into the Season 2 finale this Sunday.

Twitter / Via giphy.com