'Euphoria' Actress Barbie Ferreira Reveals What She Knows About Season 2

Barbie Ferreira smiles wearing a button down blouse
Barbie Ferreira smiles wearing a button down blouse

Barbie Ferreira is a lead in one of 2019's most talked about new TV series 'Euphoria.' 'Euphoria' follows a group of high school students as they struggle with drugs, sex and trauma. The show has been described as "intense" and "trippy."

Ferreira plays Kat. The character struggles with her weight and decides to embrace body positivity in order to explore her sexuality. When a video of her is leaked online, she uses the opportunity to fully dive into the internet sexual world.

In an interview with [Elle,] (https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/a30189232/barbie-ferreira-euphoria-torrid-interview/) Ferreira revealed what she knows about and what fans can expect from season 2 of 'Euphoria'.

"I have literally no idea what's coming up. I trust Sam Levinson's mind thoroughly. I can't wait to be surprised and shocked about what Kat does. Season 1 was about getting confident with your body and exploring her trauma and being bullied for her weight, and I know that in the next season there's going to be more complexities to that," Ferreira admitted.

We needed that because it was Kat's backstory, but everyone has different problems other than their bodies, so I'm very excited to explore that."

She also dished on the best response she has gotten on the show.

"Halloween was a crazy time. Hundreds and hundreds of people tagging me in stuff. I've never felt that way or experienced something like that. I live in my own little world and sometimes you get a little peek of what's outside and you're like, 'Oh man, okay.' My mom and my auntie went as me for Halloween!" she shared.

Ferreira has also begun working with plus sized company Torrid in a short film series called 'TORRID Stories.'

"As a plus-size model, I worked with a lot of plus-size brands through my life. I took a break and did some acting and it was really important to go back and have my own two cents in [modeling]. Torrid is an amazing collaborator and I got to do [it with] my dream plus-size brand [the way] I always had envisioned. It was really incredible," Ferreira said.

"My thoughts on positivity have really evolved through the years," Ferreira told the outlet of her thoughts on body positivity. At first I was like, "Yes, of course. This is incredible." Which is still is, but through the years I realized a lot of companies don't integrate that into the way they view their brand. They might have some plus-size model in their campaign, but they don't have any sizes in the store. Torrid is all about girls size 10 and up. It's a company that takes it really seriously and actually cares instead of just doing it for clickbait and gimmick stuff.