Eric Young On Sting: He Deserves All Of His Flowers

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Eric Young has high praise for The Icon Sting, with whom he shared the ring in TNA Wrestling.

TNA Wrestling‘s Eric Young was a recent guest on Busted Open Radio. When asked about Sting’s recent retirement from professional wrestling, Young reflected on his friendship with The Icon and the time they spent together in TNA.

“He’s such a great guy and deserves all of his flowers,” Eric Young said. “He was one of my favorite wrestlers growing up and I had the crazy distinct opportunity to be a guy that worked him in matches and tagged with him. I think I was his first match in ten years when he first came back to TNA.

“And he’s a buddy of mine, and that’s kind of surreal. This chubby short kid from the middle of nowhere, southwestern Ontario. And I can say that I’m friends with Sting, and I got to share a ring with them both as his tag partner and his opponent and what a career, man.

“Just when you thought he was done, all of a sudden, he becomes the most over guy there, the most over guy here. What an epic run by a great guy and just one of the best to ever do it. Just charisma for days, walks into any room, he looks like somebody, and congratulations to him. It is so cool.”

READ MORE: Eric Young Wrote The TNA Hard To Kill Promo, It Was Personal And Means Everything

What do you make of Eric Young’s overall comments? What are some of your favorite Sting memories from TNA Wrestling? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of these quotes, please credit Busted Open with a link to this article for the transcription.

The post Eric Young On Sting: He Deserves All Of His Flowers appeared first on Wrestlezone.