‘ER’ and ‘The Peacemaker’ director talks about working around George Clooney’s iconic head tilt

Yahoo Entertainment Senior Writer Ethan Alter talks to director Mimi Leder about working with George Clooney on "ER" and "The Peacemaker" and how Steven Spielberg told him not to tilt his head if he wanted to be a star.

Video Transcript

ETHAN ALTER: Steven Spielberg always tells a funny story about George Clooney, where he advised him, don't do your head tilt thing because you'd be a movie star if you don't do that. And I noticed in Peacemaker, he's doing it. So are you a fan of the head tilt? Do you think it works in his favor?

MIMI LEDER: I think he-- I think he lost the head tilt quite a bit because of that. I think-- I think in ER, we once put a neck brace around his head as a, you know, as a character thing that he hurt his head, Ross hurt his neck, so that he couldn't do that. I think anything George Clooney does works.


MIMI LEDER: Honestly. I mean, he's such a brilliant human being, such a fine human being. Great actor. Great director. Great humanitarian. It was really fun working with George in the beginning of his success, you know? And-- because I know he bummed around town for 10 years, like most actors do. And I'm glad he found, you know, his success and his happiness.