Episode 100: It’s A Stephen King Christmas, Charlie Honderick

The Losers' 100th episode just so happens to coincide with the 2nd annual Kingmas.

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Constant Listeners, we’ve reached the Big 100, and what better way to celebrate than with our second annual Kingmas celebration. No, we did not plan on this, yes it’s a coincidence, ka is a wheel, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Grab a few candy canes, pour out some egg nog, and join Losers Mel Kassel, Justin Gerber, Michael Roffman, and McKenzie Gerber as they dive into Needful Tweets, take a quick visit to Hollywood King, and empty out a big ol’ Bag of Bones.

You’ll even hear Kingmas’ very own theme song, a new earworm by Coach Hop singer-songwriter Charlie Honderick, who joins the Club to discuss his latest songs and anthems. He even shares one incredible anecdote involving Sai King himself.

Listen above and stay tuned for the third season to begin in the year of ’19, starting with 1987’s Misery. Until then, leave us a glowing review on iTunes; after all, this is the season of giving, right? We truly love getting those.

Chapters include: Intro, Needful Tweets (6:25), Hollywood King (24:30), Bag of Bones (42:35), Interview with Charlie Honderick (2:09:45), and 100th Outro (2:31:00).

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–Merch: Support The Losers’ Club and Grab Some T-Shirts!

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