Emma Watson Donates $1.4 Million to Anti-Sexual Harassment Campaign in the UK

The 'Beauty and the Beast' star has been an outspoken supporter of #MeToo and the Time's Up movement.

Emma Watson is making a big effort to help those affected by sexual harassment.

The Beauty and the Beast star, who has been an outspoken supporter of the #MeToo and Time's Up movements in the U.S., has made a donation of 1 million British pounds ($1.4 million American dollars) to the U.K.'s Justice and Equality Fund, BBC News reports.

Thompson was among many famous actresses, including Keira Knightley, Claire Foy, Emilia Clarke and Felicity Jones, who signed a powerful open letter published in the Observer on Saturday. The letter called for an end to sexual harassment and abuse in the entertainment industry and beyond.

"This moment has already raised a staggering $21m for an American Time’s Up legal defense fund. But women all over the world need support and funding in order to be able to fight injustice," the letter read. "The revolution we want and need cannot happen without this resourcing. So, we invite you to join us in donating to the new UK justice and equality fund, to spread the word to others and be a catalyst for change. Everyone can make a difference by using your platform, your voice and your power as a changemaker." So far, the U.K. Justice and Equality Fund has reached 1.5 million British pounds of its 2 million goal.